X9999 renewal - server opening 27.July

Season 19 part 2-3 Update Dark Lord renewal is here! Server is updated to new episode 3!

New Server X9999 will be re-opened at 27.July! High exp, fun gampley 1-2hours mini/world bosses! PVP servers!

Facebook Share event: 2000 Wcoins: Share THIS video on your timeline (public) and in comments tag 3 friends who plays mu online! And send in FB pm your login name, if the video is visible on your timeline, and in comment section 3friends are commented, player gets 2000Wcoins!

Donations and vip can be reused again on server renewal! Send support ticket, or FB pm with your login name to get PlayPoints back!

Version: Season 19 Part 2-3
Max Level: 400
Max ML: 1200
Experience: 99999x / 99999x / 99999x
Server location: United States
Resets:  /reset From 400lvl, stats stays, Points per level: Standard
Max resets: No Limit
Max stats is 32700
Reset reward: 1000 Ruud
Grand reset: 150 Resets, 5000 Goblin points, 150'000 RUUD

Automatic quest: /evo

Auto-Reset Command:

  • On: /reset auto
  • Off: /reset off 
  • /autostat <option> GUIDE HERE

Reset on spot for vip3 and higher

Earn Gp/Wcoins/FO:

  • Blood Castle: AA items, 10% FO chance!
  • Devil Square: 1-3 Place finishers: Wcoins
  • Boss Battle: Ancient Items or FO Jewel
  • Each level 1 GP Huge GP Shop


Published by Admin 03/06/2024