New X500 Server 6.September
Version: Season 19part 2-3 Dark Lord renewal opening at 6.September
- New skills: Crown Force, Battle Glory, Spirit Blast
- New pets: Divine Horse, Fire Divine spirit, Ice Divine Spirit, Holy Divine Spirit
- Shield: Apocalypse Lord Shield
- Spirit blast skill: Can be used when Spirit (new raven) is equipped
Experience: X500, Master X500, Majestic X500
Points per level: Standart 5/7
Reset in game: /reset 10Wcoins 1000 ruud, !No Reset limit! After reset auto move character to lorencia!
All VIP accounts reset on spot (get free vip with any donation)
/reset auto availabale for everyone
Stats burms, free stats: 400*Reset. Costs 1mil*Reset, Max cost 200Mil
- Master points: 2
- Majestic points: 2
Login limit: 5Accounts per IP(PC) Event server: 3Accounts
Starter bonus:
- Level 100 - Champions Ring - Random 2LVL Wings
- Level 300- Warrior Ring - Panda+Pet+Bol
- Blood Angel Weapon +2nd Weapon or Shield
- /startergift - Panda
- /potions - Potions
- /asgardian - Bound Pendant
Level/Reset milestones rewards: to claim type /reset1 /reset10 /reset100 /reset200 /reset500 /reset750 /reset999
- Reset 1: Ghost Horse
- Reset 10: Ice Dragon pet
- Reset 100: Pear Lion Pet
- Reset 250: Shining tail pet
- Reset 500: Ur Pet
- Reset 750: Leviathan
- Reset 999: Conqueror Wings
- Grand reset: 1000Resets: 100'000 PlayPoints
Chaos machine for leveling up items to +15= 100% Succes rate!
Each reset gives a random jewel, 5% chance for bundled jewel!
Goblin points: Each level 1 GP (GP shop includes FO items, pentas, jewels)
Happy Hour exp: Morning 8-9 Evening 20-21 Server time
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 1hour!
- Socket Weapons +15 +5sockets extra: Auto combo chance 5%
- 4th Wings +15 extra: 200% Elemental damage!
- 5th Wings +15 extra: 400% Elemental damage!
- Apocalypse items +15 extra: Critical/Double Damage
Resetting stats ingame, commands: example /decstr 11
Make perfect build, rebuild stats
Decrease Strenght points = /decstr
Decrease Agility points = /decagi
Decrease Vitality points = /decvit
Decrease Energy points = /decene
Decrease Command points = /deccmd
- /npc To Open shop npc, to sell or buy
- /store To Open vault
Updates V2
Maintenance, and updates compleated, un launcher to get latest update!
- Character could stuck and lose event invitation upon moving to Devil Square event using new event information window
- Bursting Flare was triggering additional damage when 4th debuff was active
- Adding 4th skill tree side skill points was not possible in certain scenario
- Fixed 3rd class DL wind soul damage
- Activated ride of mount/guardian (CTRL+Z/X) disappeared after move/teleport etc, now will only be deactivated upon entry to the game/character switch
- Mysterious Stone could be used on unsupported items what resulted in corruption of options of such items
- Fixed warp to Twister Kalutan
- Fixed Verdant earring custom opt
- Fixed Leviathan VIP options
- Fixed Mu helper stopping after reset
X9999 renewal - server opening 27.July
Season 19 part 2-3 Update Dark Lord renewal is here! Server is updated to new episode 3!
New Server X9999 will be re-opened at 27.July! High exp, fun gampley 1-2hours mini/world bosses! PVP servers!
Donations and vip can be reused again on server renewal! Send support ticket, or FB pm with your login name to get PlayPoints back!
Version: Season 19 Part 2-3
Max Level: 400
Max ML: 1200
Experience: 99999x / 99999x / 99999x
Server location: United States
Resets: /reset From 400lvl, stats stays, Points per level: Standard
Max resets: No Limit
Max stats is 32700
Reset reward: 1000 Ruud
Grand reset: 150 Resets, 5000 Goblin points, 150'000 RUUD
Play Time event: Jewels and Wcoins
Starter inventory: Lucky set lvl2, BA Weapon, Shield
Automatic quest: /evo
Auto-Reset Command:
- On: /reset auto
- Off: /reset off
- /autostat <option> GUIDE HERE
Reset on spot for Vip Gold and higher
Earn Gp/Wcoins/FO:
- Blood Castle: AA items, 10% FO chance!
- Devil Square: 1-3 Place finishers: Wcoins
- Boss Battle: Ancient Items or FO Jewel
- Play Time event: Wcoins, Jewels