Temple Legendary Items

Craft items


Play to get reset BUFF

With more resets more defense/damage/hp buff aplied


X5000 Epic Items

Lightning & Temple items at AsgardMu


Found Drops

Maple Tree
Ashy Destry
Ashy Forest Oak
Tashy Deathrider
Ashy Witch Queen
Crimson Lycan
Crimson Minos
Crimson Harpy
Underground Persona
Underground Twin Tale
Underground Dreadfear
All Locations
Pouch of Blessing
Green Snake (Green)
Yellow Snake (Yellow)
Purple Snake (Purple)
Red Snake (Red)
Golden Goblin
Golden Titan
Golden Tantalos
Golden Erohim
Golden Hell Maine
Golden Kundun
Jewel Rabbit
Pouch of Blessing
Green Monkey
White Monkey
Purple Monkey
Red Monkey
Green Rooster
White Rooster
(Elite) Great Bahamut of Abyss
(Elite) Lizard King of Abyss
(Elite) Scorched Warrior
(Elite) Scorched Assassins
(Elite) Scorched Wizard